What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.
President & CEO, Simplero New York, New YorkI have used many coaches over the years, but Bodhi is one that I return to because he is simply in a class of his own. My experience has been that a lot of coaches can help you get to your goals faster, only to have you realize that those goals didn't actually fulfill you or give you what you thought they would. What Bodhi does, is help me heal and clear out those things that prevent me from going where I truly need and want to go, in the simplest possible way. What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.
I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father.
President & CEO, Accomplishment Coaching Coach Training Company San Diego, CaliforniaBodhi’s support goes beyond my stated projects and goals. Since working with him I have become a better leader, a better boss, a better husband and a better father. Bodhi is what coaching is all about. It seems like magic how he is able to hone in on the exact thing that brings me more power, or more clarity, or returns my calm and centered focus. If you want to become a better version of yourself or to fulfill on what you think you can create – I recommend working with Bodhi.
I always leave sessions filled with gratitude, feeling more empowered, grounded, and having more clarity and energy to bring to my work.
CEO, Nordic Center for Mindful Self-Compassion Silkeborg, DenmarkAcross years of working with Bodhi, I always leave sessions filled with gratitude, feeling more empowered, grounded, and having more clarity and energy to bring to my work. Thanks to his amazing ability I’ve learned to be more deeply aware. It’s so much easier to see what’s really going on in challenging situations now that I don’t get hooked or stuck. Instead, I’m free to more wisely and effectively communicate and take action.
Bodhi is a great coach who embodies wisdom and takes coaching to a new level: it is healing, very practical, and supports my commitment to live an aware, compassionate life.
My work with Bodhi has led to an outstanding improvement in my critical decision-making.
CEO and Founder, Purity ReSource, Inc. Vista, California USAThese sessions have given me heightened clarity and logic on one hand, and greater awareness and intuition on the other. My work with Bodhi has led to an outstanding improvement in my critical decision-making. I now work with greater ease, have more enjoyment, and function at a level higher than ever before — all while growing a leading-edge organization.
Bodhi is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach.
CEO, Manning Inspire Copenhagen, DenmarkI have met and trained a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth.
Bodhi's business acumen and insight brought me to a whole new level.
Chancellor, International University of Professional Studies Maui, HawaiiThe improvement in my capacity to lead wisely and effectively has been profound. As a result, the University is far more focused and productive, and in a much better position to serve and grow our student population. Bodhi's business acumen and insight brought me to a whole new level. What a difference!
Bodhi is a brilliant catalyst for taking my company to the next level.
CEO, Harmonic Living Copenhagen, DenmarkBodhi is a brilliant catalyst for taking my company to the next level. With the benefit of his wisdom, presence, and guidance, I feel more empowered, can see even more clearly, and my company is really growing!
What astounded me was Bodhi’s ability to guide me in how to put these things he teaches into practice in every area of my life.
Author, Founder & CEO, Crawdaddy Magazine Encinitas, CaliforniaWhat astounded me was Bodhi’s ability to guide me in how to put these things he teaches into practice in every area of my life. Conceptual learning is great, but what made his coaching so powerful is that it’s made such a real difference in my life. I would unhesitatingly recommend Bodhi to anyone who seeks to break whatever chains may bind them.
I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life.
CEO, Clarity Path Coaching Carlsbad, CaliforniaBodhi, I woke up flooded with gratitude for you today — your essence, your teaching, your energy, your non-judgment. Your ability to have integrated that and not just teach it is inspiring to me. I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life. I’m thankful that you have shown me (and Matt) the path to our hearts. I’m thankful for all the moments of freedom and joy that are in my life because I am not in resistance. You have made a profound difference in my life.
I flow so much better — even amidst the challenges of work and life.
Human Resources Manager Copenhagen, DenmarkBefore working with Bodhi, I experienced a lot of struggle, pain and resistance in my work. Today, I flow so much better — even amidst the challenges of work and life. Bodhi really is a gift. He's so present that I forget he's on the other side of the planet — he's truly with me when we work together.
I will always be very grateful that we connected and I highly recommend Bodhi to everybody that really wants to work with more, joy, peace, and freedom.
Bodhi has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions!
Staff & Training Manager Hamburg, GermanyThe way Bodhi embodies and shares his profound wisdom is powerful and grounded, and constantly evolving. He's an endless field of inspiration, purpose, clarity, truth, authenticity, compassion, joy, and has supported me in tackling professional or personal challenges.
One of his greatest talents is meeting you exactly where you’re at, and then gently guiding you from there. Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions! Working with him is a precious adventure and it has a tremendous impact on the way I show up and experience my working and private life.
My business has expanded without any other effort than just being able to use what I’ve learned from Bodhi.
Relations Hub Recruiter & Leadership Coach Aarhus, DenmarkBodhi is a fantastic teacher and coach, and I always get amazing insights during our sessions. Though I had worked with other coaches over the last 10 years, it was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to shift my most self-defeating patterns. Now I feel very blessed that my life flows.
As a coach, I had primarily been using a very result-oriented model with a great number of people in Europe. With Bodhi's support, I learned to act from something deeper and I feel so much more present with my clients. As a result, my business has expanded without any other effort than just being able to use what I’ve learned from Bodhi with my clients.
He's a very warm and humorous person and I’m so thankful for working with him. He makes a great difference for so many leaders.
With Bodhi’s help — help I know was absolutely key — we were able to win a great victory in our case.
Attorney-At-Law San Francisco, CaliforniaFull disclosure: I am Bodhi’s first cousin. I called Bodhi because I needed help to succeed in an extraordinarily challenging jury trial. Although the case had considerable promise, I was beset by doubts and felt a simmering rage over the adversary’s unending unethical and scorched earth tactics.
With Bodhi's support, I came to appreciate that the biggest problem was not what my adversary was doing but rather, how my own stress-generating attitude toward what they were doing was interfering with my capacity to effectively respond.
He helped me shift to a mindset that maximized my ability to use all of my physical and mental abilities free from interference. With Bodhi’s help — help I know was absolutely key — we were able to win a great victory in our case — the most important and gratifying one of my entire legal career.
I am confident that I now possess an effective skillset to remain sharp mentally and able to perform at my highest level. Without a doubt, I've become a far more effective litigating trial lawyer.